The DSRL Ginetta Junior Championship

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The DSRL Ginetta Junior Championship Empty The DSRL Ginetta Junior Championship

Post by TM aidtheace Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:53 pm

The DSRL Ginetta Junior Championship Ginet_14

Hello and welcome to the DSRL Ginetta Junior Championship.
This series will feature races in the Ginetta G40 Junior car visiting circuits around the world whilst still staying close to its routes in the United Kingdom.
The series will start on 22nd January 2017 and will run through until 18th June 2017.

Sign ups are now OPEN so go sign up HERE
There is only 32 full time spots for this championship. Anyone signing up after 32 drivers will be a reserve and will only be allowed to race if there is space in the lobby due to a full time driver dropping out of that event.

The race calendar and dates can be found HERE

Each race event will feature 3 short races with one qualifying session.
The qualifying session will be 20 minutes long but will be set to 30 minutes to allow drivers to finish there laps and allow the host to take down the times.

Race Format.
- Race 1 (Qualifying order)
- Race 2 (Fastest Laps from Race 1 in order of fastest first)
- Race 3 (Reverse grid of Race 2 results)

The Assists for the championship will be set to REAL which means all the assists will be off
- Real Assists for the G40 Junior car (ABS-Off, STB-Off, TCS-Off)

Points Scoring.
There will be multiple championships to compete for in the DSRL Ginetta Junior Championship: Drivers, Teams and Privateers for each division. (If more than 16 drivers)
The points will be scored on the following basis:

1st - 35
2nd - 32
3rd - 30
4th - 28
5th - 26
6th - 25

Points will reduce by 1 point by all following positions.

Teams will be a maximum of 3 drivers. However only the top placed drivers will score towards the teams championship for there team
Example: If a team has 3 drivers finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in there lobby. The team will only score 1st place and 2nd place point towards there teas score, but each driver will score there own points in the drivers championship.

Team scoring will be based of the addition of the individual points of both top scoring drivers in a team.

There will be 6 dropped races from this championship for drivers, making your best 18 scores count towards the championship. So if you attend every race meeting, your worst 6 race scores will be dropped and your total is then the total of other 18 race scores. If you do not attend a meeting, then all three races will be a drop score until you miss more than 6 races, in which case you will receive a 0 score and it WILL count towards your championship total as you have already taken 6 dropped zero scores.

Tuning in this championship WILL BE PERMITTED. So get tuning!

All other settings.
All other settings can be found in the Lobby Settings thread HERE.

Incidents & corner cutting
Report incidents and/or corner cutting or overly defensive swerving/blocking immediately after the race to the admins.

SAVE THE REPLAY! Or RECORD THE CLIP. We may not be able to see the incident from our perspective.

We are concerned that people during practice sessions are cutting corners too much. Regardless of what other series do, if you see someone outside the whitelines, tell them there and then. Anyone found doing this repeatedly/deliberately will be penalised, either in points or by exclusion from the ongoing championship.

DO NOT hesitate about reporting, it will be confidential and will make the racing here cleaner, therefore better and more fun! We may need you to make and upload a clip.

It's the responsibility of the person overtaking to ensure they make a clean pass! If you do hit someone (we appreciate accidents do happen!), make sure you give them the spot back.

If you feel that you were a victim of unsportsmanlike behaviour or intentionally taken of the track. Please present footage of the incident in question to the organisers within 24 hours of the end of the event. Any inquiries will be, at best, closed and penalties applied before the next event.

Connection issues.
Any driver who loses his connection to the lobby will start the session from the back of the grid.
In case of multiple DNF's or DNS's this is sorted by the host (faster driver starts at the back).

Please make sure your connection is fine and your ports are forwarded (even if your connection acts fine).
Try, your ping is the most important (lower=better, generally below 50ms).

We request that there will be no broadcasting through Twitch. This is to aid the quality of lobby connections.

TM aidtheace

TM aidtheace


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